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Skincare- New Age Info


Everyone wants to look good and would go to any extent to have a perfectly flawless skin with no room for flaws. However, it is easier said than done as such things can go horribly wrong and end up making matters worse.

Skincare is an important topic that every individual has to know about because what they perceive to be a flaw in their looks might not be the same for others. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and the sooner certain folks accept it the better it will be for them.

To begin a vast topic that has many ups and downs especially knowing that it might trigger a few sensitive people the wrong way, this article is simply about some new things that you can expect when it comes to skincare in the coming decade.

Care Theory

We always get to learn new things everyday about our own body and the many ways to take care of it by doing this and that but there are very few that follow through among the elderly folks.

Thankfully, the younger generation has become too health conscious upon seeing the ailments that their parents and grandparents go through and therefore don’t want to repeat the same mistake that they did.

The era of fortune telling has long gone and today we cannot go to any astrologer and ask them the future of skincare but have to work out things on our own which is why there are so many skincare treatments available at our disposal.

The future looks bright for skincare due to many innovative techniques through which skin can be beautified beyond measure and one has to see to believe it whether it is plastic surgery, radiation or any other surgery.

But keep in mind that surgery isn’t the sole or most important thing to do for skincare and should be treated as a last resort. Something like a micro needling pen is enough for skin rejuvenation especially for folks that think that going under the knife is the only way to do so.

Skin needling is a necessary therapy that ever salon or doctor would recommend as it helps getting rid of dead cells surrounding the skin that eventually stimulates production of new collagens around the place.

There are 3 layers of skin tissues that we have: Epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Micro needling causes a few minor injuries to the skin that provides a signal to the body to produce collagen so that the damage can be rectified and new skin cells can be formed.

Microneedling Pen Vs Roller is a long debate that has many arguments going for it but it goes without saying that it is a new technique that everyone has taken a liking to which is why micro needling is being practiced in almost all salons.

The gap between brand and consumer is slowly bridging due to which in the next decade we will see more and more techniques coming in that can make skincare a booming business.

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