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Get Luxurious Eyelashes Less 90 Minutes Lashdip


The Start of LashDip

While leafing through a year old issue of Vogue Magazine recently led me to a fashion product dealing with semi-permanent make-up. This specific product I am referring is calledLash Dip was developed by Chicago based beauty experts and entrepreneurs Jessica Harley and Gina Mondragon. Harley is a professional make up artist while Mondragon is a hair color specialist. They decided to put their talents to good use and collaborate with each other in the hopes to create something better, something newer and most importantly something different.

This is how LashDip was born! Apparently, due to their dislike of mascara which almost always flasks off and how eyelash products are just not quite dark enough this is how they created their masterpiece, LashDip. They claim it is ten times darker then that of the darkest mascara available here on today’s marketplace.

The Price

While for around $200 dollars, you can purchase this product and get luxurious eyelashes which will last for a duration of up to six weeks. LashDip is also 100% hypoallergenic (relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction) and is also safe for people who wear contact-lens.

The Process

Using LashDip to create the look of luxurious eyelashes can take up to 90 minutes to apply correctly. This product is applied with a very soft sweeping of LashDip onto your eyelashes. You can choose between the dramatic effect or go with the natural effect. You also have a choice to opt for extensions on your outer eyelashes. Doing this can even dramatize your bottom eyelashes as well, if you so desire. The choice is yours! LashDip gives you a clump free, precisely perfect eyelashes. The only downfall for this product is it will require touch ups every 2 weeks or so. Please be aware, you should steer clear of oil-based makeup removers, unless you are looking for tangled eyelashes that tend to feel dirty and gritty.

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